David Gould died yesterday October 10, 2013. Here's information from his wife, Shannon... 
"This morning, around 3:00 a.m. following removal of all medications, David started having 
mild seizures again. So medication and sedation was resumed. Today, after a day filled of 
waiting for brain scan results, we were told the following: Major swelling and no brain activity, 
along with constant seizures despite medication. We, as a family were left with a hard decision 
to remove him from life support, knowing there was no chance of recovery. We, as a family, 
each got to spend our last time with David and only upon the last family member leaving his 
room, did David have the last say. With David's ability to make his own rules during his 
whole life, he made the final decision on his own, sparing us any lingering guilt. At 7:00, 
David went into cardiac arrest and passed away. David Gould, a man who lived in a 
power chair, was the most active person we knew, the most loving and generous, 
the most stubborn and tenacious, but mostly the MOST LOVED person in our lives. 
We are asking friends and family to please give us private time to grieve and we will 
post information of David's Celebration of Life as soon as confirmed. 
Thank you ALL OF YOU for your endless prayers. We are humbled by your love 
and support. Love, the Gould's, the Harrison's and the Coffaro's." 



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